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A man has been acquitted for charges of manslaughter. One person monitering the well publicized trial seems to think the man was falsley acquitted. Being a retired judge, he feels it his duty to take matters into his own hands. The man is invited to a luncheon, he presumes it is to be a victory party. The old judge has other plans that sound a little more disturbing.

Determined to find the secret of Magaera, an ancient goddess, archeologist Dr. Oresti is excavating in the Mideast when an earth tremor splits open the site.

After the second Hundred Years War, a scientist and his wife are ordered by a covert agency to create a humanoid robot that can survive a land ravaged by nuclear fallout.
The quiet, well-ordered life of the Cutler family is disrupted with the arrival at their mansion of young, handsome Anton Gitano, whose father saved Mr. Culter's life.
The cycle of procreation and the institution of marriage is regulated by a master computer in the future. Surprisingly, a young couple over-ride the system and fall in love. They rebel against the machine that tries to separate them.
Violence has been eradicated in the nature of man five hundred years into the future. The threat of alien invasion forces the government to reverse a formerly vicious man's programming and unleashes a brutal onslaught against the invaders.

The CBS Radio Mystery Theater Page

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